
其實本來沒打算要寫太多關於今年溫網的賽事記錄的,因為這週末即將前往泰北,下週後半段的重點賽程我一個毛都看不到,甚至在回國之前我都不會得知今年捧起金盃的是誰。(泰北哪有什麼網路咧~)原先還打算乾脆什麼都不寫,假裝我根本沒看今年溫網。(也太乾脆XD)不過,事實證明,要我看了比賽卻不寫心得還真難。昨天是草地大滿貫開幕的日子,我當然還是老老實實地從六點半就守在電視機前面了(笑)。就我自己有看到的時段,台灣這邊的FOX Sport播了幾場女單,稍後也立馬轉播了小盧的比賽。基本上我都有看,還蠻欣賞Sharapova第一輪的對手,那位20歲的法國小將。(噢~我不會唸她的名字:O)Roger, Rafa, Andy等等大種子的比賽,我當然很想盡量觀戰,只是就比賽張力和雙方實力抗衡等方面來說,Tsonga v Goffin那場比賽才是最讓我想看的啊!(其實我也不太懂自己為什麼就蠻喜歡Goffin的球風XD)

小薇和小盧都順利闖過第一輪,前者比分超帥氣啊6-1, 6-0橫掃對手,後者則是在下一輪再度遇上Andy Murray。Wimbledon day 1出局的選手中,讓我感到意外的人包括Errani(果然在紅土比較上手嗎?)、Wawrinka(嗚嗚嗚浣熊哭哭Q_Q)、Fognini(這瘋子打球明明就很瘋很驚人啊←這是讚美)……噢,還有那位。
Rafael Nadal。

嗯,誠如標題所示,大概只寫day 1吧。部分原因是因為Rafa輸了,本來就沒太大動力想寫完整版的了,如今我最大的動力來源又提早bye了。可能很多人(好吧,應該也沒很多啦,目前身邊和我一起看球的朋友並不多)會以為「貝蒂是為了Rafa而看網球」、「貝蒂是純Rafa迷」、「貝蒂覺得網球=Rafa」……哈哈我知道我某些表現的確像迷妹,但我其實不是耶。我非常清楚自己是個網球迷,我享受球員們精湛的球技、這項運動賽事帶給觀眾的各種情緒,只是我心頭上總有那麼一兩位最無法割捨的網球選手啊。比如Roger,以及最愛的Rafa,傻豆子一個。所以我才會這麼急切地想寫下以下這些吧。
這篇心得文的標題看起來或許有點喪氣(或是生氣?),然而接下來的比賽我當然還是會繼續看下去的(按耐不住XD)只是2013 Wimby那個最精采、最雀躍、最能讓我心臟緊繃以及落淚的部分,已經在昨天結束了。

Rafael Nadal 6(4)-7, 6(8)-7(10), 4-6 Steve Darcis @ Wimbledon 2013 1st Round
首先,去年Wimby在第二輪敗給Lukas Rosol後,Rafa膝傷休息了七個月。儘管他在2009年也有因法網出局、父母離婚等事情有過低潮,但我想這次這麼長的養傷休養期之於他,肯定也是職業生涯中最黯淡的時期吧。雖然傷癒歸來,復出之路九場比賽全部打進決賽、拿下七冠,締造了令人難以置信的佳績,可是……他不是超人,他也會疲累,膝傷的隱憂仍在啊。也因此,Rafa在Roland Garros後,並沒有參加任何草地熱身賽,選擇在家備戰溫網。可是,紅土和草地是多麼不同的場地,球速、球質、跑動方式,各個方面絕對都是需要打打幾場比賽來找回手感和球感的。於是,當我在哈雷的籤表中找不到Rafa的名字時,我就知道了——如果他真的很不幸地在Wimbledon第一輪出局,我會傷心難過、會心疼失望,但是,或許就不會如大家所想的一樣,那麼感到意外了。然而,我倒也完全不會覺得Rafa這樣的備戰方式有什麼不對。身為一個球迷,最終的願望,也只是希望球員們都能身體健康的一場場打下去啊!
嗯,不知道這樣說會不會聽起來像是在找藉口,但我真心覺得——這不是第一次了——ATP賽程實在排得太密集了!尤其是紅土至草地之間賽季的轉換,兩項GS賽事相距只有兩週,不是對特定球員,而是對於選手們實在都有那麼點壓力。記得Rafa和其他幾名球員,幾年前也曾經對這點提出爭議性的質疑。至於,Rafa個人的受傷,雖然在輸球因素中佔有一定的比重,但我覺得這絕對不是落敗的主因。Rafa在記者會上被問及這個問題時,他自己也說了:「我今天不談論我的膝蓋,我不希望這被我當成藉口,因為對手Darcis是值得擁有勝利的。」我會這麼愛這男人的原因,很大部分就是因為他的謙卑和低調啊!!!就像Simon說的一樣,Rafa的謙遜有時會讓人想打他耳光XDDDD(這是讚美吧哈哈)在我看來,在運動賽事中,臨場表現才是永遠的關鍵。今天這場比賽Steve Darcis的表現好極了,積極且敢拚,遇上大種子就是該這樣打。反觀Rafa,嗚嗚我看過太多場他的比賽了,他今天很明顯的不在狀況中啊!!!拚搏的氣勢不見了、平時很進入比賽的神情黯淡了,整個人感覺……就是不妙(哭)。加上他自己失誤過多、跑動狀態跟不上、反拍猶豫不決……而對手又越打越自信,到第三盤時就看得出來Rafa這場是回天乏術(?)了。看到賽果,肚子裡有什麼東西一沉,對溫網的期盼感頓時是去大半,傷心難過是必然的。然而,令我小感意外的是,心底有那麼一小部分卻是異常理智的:比賽狀況妳也看到啦,事實攤在眼前,就這樣了。未來還有好多場比賽可以打啊,不是嗎?要相信他。


Q. We saw you limping a little bit out there. Was there an injury reason or physical reason for this loss?
RAFAEL NADAL: Is not the right day. I tried my best out there in every moment. Was not possible for me this afternoon, and that's all. The opponent played well. I had my chances. I didn't make it. So in grass is difficult to adapt yourself, to adapt your game. When you don't have the chance to play before, I didn't have that chance this year, is tougher. I didn't find my rhythm.
Q. How much of a blow was it for you not being able to play at Halle in the context of this tournament?
RAFAEL NADAL: I didn't have that chance this year to play on Halle. So is tough to talk right now. The only thing that is important today is that even I don't play Halleis obviously I wanted to play, yes. But today we cannot come back. We cannot come two weeks before.
That what happened. I didn't have that chance. I tried my best. Was not possible. That's all I can say. Just congratulate the opponent. At the end is not a tragedy That is sport. (嗯,我喜歡這句。這不是世界末日,這就是運動。)
Q. Well, last year you said you were hurt after the loss to Rosol. How is the situation now with you?
RAFAEL NADAL: With what?
Q. With your physical condition.
RAFAEL NADAL: I say before I think is not the day to talk about these kind of things. I am confident that I will have a good recover and be ready for the next
tournaments. I played much more than what I dreamed before here after the injury. So that's a fantastic and very positive thing for me. I know the grass is a difficult surface for the way that I need to play to play well here. Was not possible this year. I gonna try my best for the next couple of years.
Q. You turned a lot around your backhand to play your forehand, and also you didn't move that well. Was your knee 100% today?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think you are joking. I answered this question three times or four times already. I don't gonna talk about my knee this afternoon. Only thing that can say today is congratulate Steve Darcis. He played a fantastic match. Everything that I will say today about my knee is an excuse, and I don't like to put any excuse when I'm losing a match like I lost today. He deserve not one excuse. ( 嗚嗚嗚Rafa……)
Q. You talked a little bit in Paris about your schedule, adjusting it. I'm wondering if you think you might need to look at that more closely. Obviously you love playing on the clay, but it's a lot of matches. Is that something you think going forward you need to look at more closely?
RAFAEL NADAL: What? I didn't understand that.
Q. In Paris you talked about your schedule,maybe adjusting it. I'm wondering if you think physically it's a lot on your body to play so much on clay, even though you love that surface.
RAFAEL NADAL: If I play too much? That's the question?
Q. I'm wondering if you need to look at your schedule.
RAFAEL NADAL: In which way?
Q. To play less in the spring.
RAFAEL NADAL: To play less?
Q. Yes. (為什麼我有一種雙方都快抓狂的感覺XD)
RAFAEL NADAL: I cannot predict the future. I cannot say when I do a calendar if it was wrong or if it was positive. Since six hours ago was a perfect calendar, now is a very negative calendar. That's not true. I played, as I said, since I came back after the injury, I played when I had the feeling that I can play. And my feelings were that I played the weeks that I felt right to play. And to here is Wimbledon, so I try to arrive as good as possible to this tournament, knowing that probably this year will be harder than ever, and it really was. So that's all, no? The calendar was for me perfect, winning seven tournaments of the nine, and playing two finals. I cannot say I will make something different today because I will not. I will repeat my calendar. My season has been fantastic, much better than what I have thought five months ago. So I am happy about everything. I know that that thing, that lose of today, can happen, and it happened. That's all.
Q. You've said that only an arrogant man would not have doubts. You've said that a couple of times now. Do you have some doubts on your play on grass? And are you proud of your legacy on grass for a person who was brought up on clay?
RAFAEL NADAL: Obviously I have doubts. I h person who was brought up on clay?ave doubts on grass. I have doubts on clay and hard, for sure in indoor.If I don't have doubts is because I really don't feel the passion for this game. You don't see myself with doubts the first week of Roland Garros? Yes, with a lot of doubts. Today I play with doubts. I lost, yes. (Toni也有說他覺得Rafa此役的態度不夠好,我想應該是感覺不到他的積極性吧,這點就觀眾角度看來也是蠻明顯的,真是糟糕。)


在爬文的時候,看到太多人抱怨Rafa總是以傷病作為輸球藉口,心裡有點難過。看到有個自稱理智粉(我覺得他的確理智,只是講話有點自傲)的人說道:「每次Nadal贏球你們就說他無敵,輸球就說有傷,不懂你們這些球迷的心態。」事實上,依Rafa那種拚死人又不顧一切的可怕打法,他沒有一個時候不帶傷啊!只是程度的多寡而已。仔細想想,Rafael Nadal這男人幾乎沒有主動提起自己的傷勢過,也不太會將焦點聚焦於此,有追他比賽的人就知道,這絕對不是他的作風。但當然,他相較於其他頂尖球員,向來是個比較敢表達真實想法的人(對比賽、對場地、對ATP等等的意見)。身為一個公眾人物,那些儘管誠實卻不中聽的話語本來就很容易被放大,因而Rafa有時難免會給外界一些愛抱怨或牽拖的壞印象。這我可以理解,也認為在應對進退方面,Rafa確實可以多向Roger或Nole等人學習。只是,我還是覺得,媒體可以主宰很多事情,包括版面、標題、閱聽者的目光落點。用常理判斷,在Rafa贏球時,有哪個記者會一直去問他傷勢如何?或許他還是帶傷上陣的(去年Roland Garros每一輪都是Q_Q),但是他不說,也不會有人去注意。而他是Rafa,他當然不會主動說。那輸球的時候呢?哈,就像樓上那一串訪談,三句不離膝傷啊啊啊!外加Rafa英文太糟,總是要記者重複好幾次……(笑)噢,但至少我覺得這次Rafa稍有成長了,他就是很明確的表達「我不想談論膝傷,因為對手值得勝利。」,比以前常直白表態、遭受不良觀感,好多了!(啊……但如果有人說他做作虛假,也認了囧。)總歸一句,無論外界、其他球員的球迷,對Rafael Nadal這傢伙的想法如何,我還是很欣賞他、喜歡他,both on court and off court!「我們是每一場比賽都關心,總是顧慮著他的傷病和狀況的。常常是有些人只在他輸球時才來看好戲、說酸話的,因此他們當然還是把焦點放在膝傷這樣的『藉口』上。」看到有位球迷說了類似的言論,我覺得真是再中肯不過了。

說到根本緣由,Rafa fan & Roger fan時常無法和平共處,其中有部分感覺得出來是為討厭而討厭的。(沒有要以偏概全的意思。我還是認識很多很和善的球迷,儘管我們支持不同的選手XD)我真的不懂為什麼,從來無法理解那些人「我是Roger/Rafa fan,我討厭他的勁敵Nadal/Federer。」的觀點。一個人當然會有己所討厭的、不欣賞的運動員,尤其當他是這麼熱衷於這項運動賽事時,這很正常,我也會這樣。一個運動員能因態度爛、脾氣差,甚至私生活不檢點而被厭惡;只是,單純因身為另一個運動員的big rival而被討厭……至少就我自己看來,這實在太荒謬了。即便像我,常常亂開Nole的玩笑、或是說什麼「嗚嗚揪扣快敗給Roger/Rafa吧!」的瘋話,但我從來沒有真正討厭過這位球員,甚至常常讚賞他的好表現。很少有球員會因為「對方是我的勁敵!」、「我總是敗在這人的拍下呢!」而討厭對手吧這既不合理且幼稚非常,就和我眼裡那些不理智的、愛亂砲的fans一樣。Fine,如果他們真的這麼討厭那名球員也罷,但最基本的禮貌是,可不可以不要來挑釁他的球迷、來討論區鬧事啊……(無奈)我在任何體育討論版、論壇甚至噗上,一向不是太活躍的人,總是在潛水(XD)但無論在兩岸的、歐美的網頁爬文時,看到來鬧板的人講話尖酸刻薄,還是很受不了啊……如果那些球員知道自己的fans在私底下常吵成這樣,想必不是覺得可笑,就是心寒吧。將心比心,愛體育的心情,說到底都是那麼相仿。(嗯,諸如此類的紛爭也時在蠻常見的,想想RM fans和cule們……)

呃……還有,好吧,也不是說只寫day 1啦!(喂)因為這禮拜我還是會每天看Wimby啦,只是記錄起來絕對不會像之前法網時那麼勤勞了。一切都視情況而定,下面幾天只會寫些自己觀察到的亮點,或是真的很有意思的比賽吧。我猜再來的文字都不會比以上這些來得多XD
再說……我下週又看不到任何一輪、一場、一盤、一局、一分(碎碎唸),這禮拜是在寫心酸的嗎?!T 3T

day 3
Roger Federer, The King Of Grass,很跌破大家眼鏡的在第二輪以7-6(5), (5)6-7, 5-7, (5)6-7敗給了世界排名116的烏克蘭人Serhiy Stakhovsky!!!靠,Roger輸球比Rafa輸球更讓我感到意外!他上週才在哈雷奪冠,就我自己看他打球、follow新聞的結論是,雖然已過而立,但無論是身體、心理的狀態都很不錯,沒有理由這麼早出局啊……在距離金盃還如此遙遠的地方就和英國的草地道別,好傷心O_Q!!!!!(隔日一早就接獲Suzy的簡訊宣告她的溫布頓結束了,淚目。)

Q. Can you just explain your emotions when you came off the court, what you were feeling.
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I mean, it's always a disappointment losing any match around the world, and particularly here. I've had some great moments here, but also some tougher ones.
Yeah, can't have 'em all. It was a tough loss today. Appreciated all the standing ovation and all the ovation I got leaving the court, no doubt about it.

Q. What is the challenge now for you to live up to the standards that you've set?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, what do you do after something like this? What do you do? Do you do the 24‑hour rule? You don't panic at this point, that's clear. Just go back to work and come back stronger really.
Somewhat simple. Hard to do sometimes. But usually I do turnarounds pretty good. I'm looking forward to what's to come, you know. I hope I can play a good summer, a good end to the season. This is clearly not what I was hoping for here today at this tournament.
Unfortunately it does happen. Looking forward to next year, that I can do better next year.

Q. Coming off court we could hear some fans saying that to them it felt like the end of an era. Can you see their point of view? Does it feel like that at all to you?
ROGER FEDERER: No, because I still have plans to play for many more years to come. It's normal that after all of a sudden losing early after being in the quarters 36 times, people feel it's different. You guys hyped it up so much, me playing Rafa, and we're both out. So there's a letdown clearly. Maybe it's also somewhat a bit disrespectful to the other opponents who are in the draw still. I think it sends a message to you guys as well that maybe you shouldn't do that so often next time around.(哇,Roger果然是Roger,思想很成熟和全面,這種風範吶~)

Q. What were your biggest issues today on the court regarding his game and your game?
ROGER FEDERER: He was uncomfortable to play against. I think he served and volleyed really well. It was difficult to get into that much rhythm clearly against a player like that.
But I don't mind it, to be quite honest, playing an opponent like that. I mean, I think he did really well. I struggled maybe on the big points, you know, this time around again, like I have for some time this season.
Didn't get particularly nervous or worried about it, to be honest, you know. But by missing opportunities, I don't even remember when they came, but clearly I was put in a tough spot early in the fourth, at the end of the fourth. Maybe I shouldn't even be down two sets to one, but I am.
It was tricky. But credit to him for closing it out under enormous pressure. He was better in the more important points today than I was.

Q. You probably heard about the controversy regarding the condition of the courts. You slipped a couple of times. Have you noticed a difference from last year, for example?
ROGER FEDERER: I didn't slip once today, so for me there was no problem whatsoever. Sergiy slipped maybe once or twice. I remember Murray slipping last year, too. I mean, it is grass after all.(Roger一向都很會躲避爭議性話題耶XD)

Q. A tough question, but can you in any way compare the emotions and feelings you have after dropping a tough final in a competitive situation to today where it's an early‑round shock?
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I mean, I guess. It's nicer to be able to leave the court quicker than go through the trophy ceremony. That's the nice thing about today. I still have to do the press conference. That's never going to go away (smiling). (費氏幽默again!哈哈真的很喜歡這樣的Roger,無論如何都是這麼有風度且進退得宜的。)
But other than that, yes, I'm very disappointed. You know, losing at Wimbledon always has been that way, will never change. So just got to get over this one. Some haven't hurt this much, that's for sure.

Q. You talked about having an appreciation for the other players that maybe don't get as much press.

Q. Respect. What would you say to those guys who are going to get to a quarter maybe for the first time or go places where you've gone so many times before?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I mean, I think there was a time where some players didn't believe they could beat the top guys. So maybe there's a little bit of a thing happening at the moment. I'm happy about that, that players believe they can beat the best on the biggest courts in the biggest matches.
I think it's very important, that belief. We're missing the teenagers overall, so it's up to other guys to do it like we've seen this week, at other places as well. All we can do is give it all we have, be a professional, train hard, do all the right things, what you're supposed to be doing.
I hope they are also doing it if they're lower in the rankings.

誰都不會料到,day 1的Rafa只是個開端——當然,他輸球大部分因素還是得歸咎在自己身上。不過,截至今天為止,意外的爆冷出局不說,還有一堆選手都因受傷而退賽、棄賽,馬的這也太邪門了!!!(掩面)好,冷靜點(?),來列一下令人不忍卒睹的出局名單吧。(顫抖)以下只列出排名較前、較不被預期這麼早bye了的球員T_T
Tsonga (6)傷退retired,和Gulbis打到第三盤時就撐不下去了,嗚嗚嗚阿揪Q口Q!!!)
Jankovic(16) (又是一位不幸出局的前球后)

其實,因傷退賽的選手是不勝枚舉啊,像Radek Stepanek和Yaroslava Shvedova也都是;還有,前一輪打敗了Rafa的那位Darcis,也是因受傷而直接棄賽。(他說他前一場是抱持著「好不容易有機會打敗Nadal,絕對不退賽」的想法撐著的XD)上面列出來的都只是排名續比較前面的球員而已,雖然並不是說迷信名牌(?)、呃,我是說,有著種子崇拜、認為少了高排名的選手比賽就不值得一看之類的,可是比賽的熱度和期待度,確實會因此而下降不少。我最在意的是,自己發揮不好還不打緊,但實在有太多球員是因為在草地打滑、扭傷,才不得已退賽的了!!!部分選手已經對此次Wimbledon的草地場地提出質疑,說在上面打球實在太危險;媒體輿論也逐漸出現討論草地品質的聲浪。普遍的認知是,天氣濕冷造成草地濕滑,而今年的草不知道為什麼又特別長,影響彈跳速度;我還看到有個報導說這或許和全英俱樂部一位御用的草地維護人員退休有關。儘管有人會說,128名選手都在同樣那幾個球場打球,草地對所有人都是公平的;的確,草地是公平的,但這樣的公平應該建立在安全和穩定之上,否則誰站上去,就等著看誰衰誰打滑然後退賽,這樣子的比賽不就索然無味了嗎?我相信,當這麼多的聲音都指向同一個問題源頭時,賽事單位就真的該去查明是否真是如此,然後再稍作檢討,這或許可以當作未來比賽的借鏡吧。

接下來,我雖然就沒辦法看比賽了,但我期待Gasquet, Janowicz這兩位選手的表現,然後實力不容小覷的Berdych和Ferrer也很有可能有大進展。啊啊還有就是,我也想看看錦織圭這次能撐到幾強XD



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